I am a new Foreign Service spouse who is curretnly 8 months into my first posting in Wellington, NZ. I have owned my at home business for 4 years and am overjoyed at the opportunity to continue working while overseas. I wasn't sure how I was going to continue my web based busines while in New Zealand but was delighted to find out that New Zealand has it's own version of Ebay here called Trade Me.
I began listing my nursing covers within the first month of arriving. The concept is the same but the rules for paying traxes, etc are a bit different. You learn as you go. I have been lucky enough to find local supplies so I don't have to import fabric from the States. The fabric here is a bit more expensive but I am still able to make a profit. I still have my website and occasionally sell a few covers through it but I do have the added expense of international shipping which my clients so far, are willing to pay. I have also had many local sales through my USA based website which is a delight.
I am not earning anywhere near what I was earning in the USA but it does help and I am still able to be home when the kids need me.
My business is an online retail store specializing in covers for Nursing Mothers. I also sell matching accessories and wholesale to boutiques worldwide. I have @ 8 shops across the globe that sell my wares and a few more in the USA. While it may be difficult to continue direct consumer sales while in say...Zambia, I think I will still be able to supply my boutiques.
If that doesn't work out I can always make curtains, sofa covers, dining chair covers, etc. for the FS housing :) http://www.nursingcovershop.com/